Sunday 3 March 2019

Specific gravity of fine aggregate (sand) is defined as the ratio of the weight of given volume of aggregates to the weight of equal volume of water at the same temperature.The specific gravity of sands is considered to be around 2.7.


A weighing balance of capacity of about  kg with least count of 0.5 g., an oven with range up to 110ºC,Pycnometer of about 1 litre capacity and 6mm hole at the top, tray, funnel and filter paper etc.

Pycnometer Apparatus

Procedure of Test

  1. Take about 500g of clean sample of fine aggregates and pour it into the pycnometer.
  2. Fill it with distilled water up to brim.Also remove the entrapped air from the container.
  3. Clean the outer surface of pycnometer with a clean cloth and weigh it (W1)
  4. Empty the pycnometer completely and fill it again with water up to same level and weight it (W2)
  5. Drain water from the fine aggregate sample through a filter paper and air dry it.
  6. Place the sample inside oven for 24 hours with range of temperature  to 110ºC
  7. Cool down the sample and weigh it (W3)


Apparent specific gravity = (Weight of dry sample/Weight of equal volume of water )
= W3/(W1-W2)

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